Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards
September, 2019
Our promotion film for the “31st Annual General Assembly Conference” of the European Foundation Centre with André Heller und Kenan Al Baredi was awarded the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards "Dolphin Silver Winner”.
Watch the film here:
Kurt Stocker, Maribel Koeniger (ERSTEStiftung), Catherine Lennon (EFC), Boris Marte (ERSTEStiftung), Robert Neumüller (Director)
Wirtshausgschichten - Mit guate hundert hinterm Herd
Documentary, 2019
Director: Helmut Manninger
Director of Photography: Thomas Beckmann
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Producer: Gloriafilm
First Broadcast Date:
March 2019
In this part of the sequential documentary the 100-year-old Frida Stranzinger is still actively working mainly as a cook in her inn.
Andreas Hofer - Held wider Willen
Andreas Hofer is considered as an Austrian National Hero. As an innkeeper he has lead the uprising of the Tyrolians against Napoleon in 1809. For some, he is a martyr who sacrificed his life for his native country, for others he is a fighter for keeping the religious traditions. The documentary has an insight into these new topics at Andreas Hofer’s 250th birthday.
Director: Robert Neumüller
Director of Photography: Robert Neumüller
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Producer: Pre TV
Broadcast Date:
Nov 24, 2017 (ORF 2)
2018 (ARTE)
Comenius EduMedia Award 2017
Our Documentary "Die Rattenlinie - Nazis auf der Flucht durch Südtirol” obtained the “Comenius EduMedia Award" among many international projects in Berlin in June 2017.
Director was Karin Duregger. Produced by Wega Film Vienna in 2014.
Dokumente, die die Welt bewegen
Documentary, 2017
Director: Robert Neumüller, Andrea Morgenthaler, Jacob Brossmann
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Producer: Dor-Film
First Broadcast Date:
2017 (in Pre-Production)
A documentary series (12 episodes) on essential documents of the "Österreichisches Staatsarchiv" illustrating important aspects of Austrian history.
The Rhythm of Vienna
Musicfilm, 2017
Director: Robert Neumüller
Director of Photography: Robert Neumüller
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Producer: Felix Breisach Medienwerkstatt
Broadcast Date:
January 1, 2017
The Musicfilm will entertain during the New Year´s Concert 2017 of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Small musical ensembles (Philharmonic Five, Ensemble Knoll, Kolophonistinnen, groovin’Tango quINNtett) accompany young dancers illustrating the beginning of Waltz in Vienna.
Der Bauer, die Liebe & das Leben
Documentary, 2016
Director: Helmut Manninger
Director of Photography: Thomas Beckmann
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Producer: Gloriafilm
First Broadcast Date:
September 16, 2016 (“Der Bauer, die Liebe und das Leben”)
September 23, 2016 (“Das Leben geht weiter”)
The two sequential documentaries are part of a new series on Austrian farmers who try to go new ways. It will be shown under the label “Ich, Bauer” on Servus TV. A "Best-of"-Version will be produced in 2017.
Pummerin - Die Stimme Österreichs
Documentary, 2016
Director: Peter Beringer
Music Production: Michael J. Schubert
Video Editing: Tom Pohanka
Producer: Eva-Maria Berger
First Broadcast Date: ORF III, March 28, 2016
The documentary recounts the history of a national symbol, the big bell of the Cathedral
Sankt Stephan in Vienna, Austria.
Prosit Neujahr - 75 Jahre Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker
Documentary, 2016
Director: Robert Neumüller
Director of Photography: Robert Neumüller
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Producer: Felix Breisach Medienwerkstatt
First Broadcast Date: ORF 2, Jan 1, 2016
The documentary gives an overview of the history and the development of a world media event:
The New Year´s Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in Austria, Vienna.
Wie man in den Wald ruft ...
Documentary, 2015
Director: Gustav W. Trampitsch
Director of Photography: Gerhard Kaiser
Video Editing: Michael Schubert
Music: Michael J. Schubert
Producer: Raum.Film
First Broadcast Date: 3SAT, Dec 15, 2015
The documentary looks at the miscellaneous relationships between mankind and forest.
"Jahrtausende lang war der Wald zentrales Biotop unserer Kultur und Gegenstand vieler Sagen und Legenden. Der Film geht den Emotionen auf den Grund, die der "Mythos Wald" in uns hervorruft. Allgegenwärtig nährte, wärmte und beschützte der Wald die Menschen. Er galt aber auch als unsicher, rätselhaft und gefährlich. Er erschien übermächtig, war Heimat und Fremde zugleich - ein ambivalenter Ort, der von Elfen und Hexen, von Riesen und wilden Bestien bewohnt war. Ehrfürchtig und schaudernd nahm die Menschheit seine Geschichten in ihr kollektives Gedächtnis auf."